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Drama Department
Drama in Coleraine College aims to foster students’ creativity
and develop their confidence and sense of self.
Key Stage 3
Throughout Key Stage 3, students take part in a range of learning experiences which allow them to explore themselves, and the world in which they live. A range of forms and mediums of drama are taught, including:
Mask work
Mime and movement, ​
Physical theatre,
Script development,
Shakespearean, and other dramatic concepts.

Students who choose to study at GCSE level find that the curriculum provides a further in-depth knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre works within a safe and supportive environment.
We explore a variety of issues which give them a heightened awareness of the social, political and historical world we live. A variety of practitioners and theatre genres are studied allowing students to work collaboratively to control and develop drama which produces clear and insightful meaning.
GCSE Drama comprises of 2 Papers.
Paper 1 includes two units of examined improvisation workshops, supported by a 6 x A3 page portfolio for each unit, written under controlled assessment.
​Paper 2 allows students in a group to construct their own piece of drama for performance for an external examiner. Each piece should last approximately 30 minutes and can be either scripted or student devised, or a mixture of both.
The Drama department also organises a variety of trips
to the theatre which includes The Grand Opera House, Waterfront, Millennium and Riverside Theatres.

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