KS3 Homework
Homework Timetable 2024/25
Years 11 and 12
GCSE subjects will set at least one homework a week but may set considerably more as exams approach. Check the homework diary!
OCN and Occupational Studies subjects do not set homework as a general rule. The work for these courses is done during class time, so daily attendance is vital.
Catering will often assess students via a knowledge test and students will be required to revise in advance. This will often be set as a homework so, once again, check your child's homework diary.
Years 8, 9 and 10
English, Maths, and French set homework weekly. All other subjects set one a fortnight – apart from Drama which sets one a half-term.
A tick in the homework timetable indicates the week in which that subject sets a homework for all groups in that year.
If a class is identified in the ‘week’ column, this indicates when that group receives homework for that subject. The initials after that identifies the class teacher.
If a google classroom code has been included, you can check what homework has been set by following the instructions in the ‘Google Classroom Guide for Students’ found via the link below.
Any concerns about homework can be emailed to Mr O’Doherty on godoherty162@c2kni.net
How can I support my child with homework?
· Ensure that your child has a homework diary and is using it every day to write down the details of the work set
· Check the homework diary each day and sign it weekly
· Where possible, register for subjects using google classroom via the codes supplied
· Create a weekly timetable with your child for the completion of homework and stick to it so that routines are established
· Use resources such as google, BBC bitesize and YouTube for support about subject specific topics and learning
· Make sure that your child has a suitable place to do homework such as a desk in their room or use of the kitchen table
· Encourage your child to remove distractions such as their phone while doing their homework
· Allow for short breaks in between the completion of tasks