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Home Economics Department

The Home Economics Department within Coleraine College is based around two central teaching areas. Theory lessons are taught to all pupils and within these lessons pupils are encouraged to explore individual ideas, consider choices and make decisions. Practical lessons take place in the refurbished and modern kitchen facility and pupils participate in cookery classes here.
At the College we hope pupils will enjoy studying Home Economics where it is hoped they will gain useful skills to assist them now and in later l
Key Stage 3
All pupils in Year 8-10 study Home Economics and cover three key strands:
Diet and Health
Home and Family Life
Independent Living
Each strand is developed across the Key Stage and pupils have the opportunity to study topics that include hygiene and safety, diet related diseases, consumerism and becoming independent with resources that include money and time. A number of different teaching strategies are used and include individual/pair/group work, role play, discussion and practical lessons. These strategies and experiences ensure pupils gain a wide variety of skills for use in the subject and across the curriculum.

Key stage 4 Courses

The Home Economics Department offers GCSE Child Development.
Occupational Studies courses in Catering and Childcare are also offered to pupils.
GCSE Child Development
The new GCSE specification is composed of three key units:
Unit 1 Parenthood, Pregnancy and Childbirth
Unit 2 Child Development 0-5 Years
Unit 3 Investigation task
The course aims to encourage pupils to consider the responsibilities of becoming a parent along with the associated issues. The understanding of pregnancy from conception to birth is also covered in detail including the key aspects of antenatal and postnatal health. The comprehensive needs of the newborn are dealt with and how they develop in key areas that include physical and intellectual milestones. Subject specific skills are developed alongside scientific and technological developments.
The course will prepare pupils for further study in child health and/or education.
Assessment is composed of two external examinations for Unit 1 and Unit 2 (worth 30% each) and one investigative task (worth 40%) to examine Unit 3. This task is divided into parts A-E and requires a 3000 word assignment with a final outcome (Powerpoint/news article/leaflet/presentation) to be completed.
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