ICT Department
Within this ever-evolving digital world that we live in, we believe that it is paramount for all pupils to have the opportunity to develop their digital skills. As a department we are dedicated to ensuring that pupils have a platform to learn ICT skills which will equip them for the future.
Year 8, 9 and 10 will all study discrete ICT lessons across their two-week timetable.
This allows pupils to have hands on computer experience where they will develop basic ICT skills in;
emails, word processing and spreadsheets and also providing pupils with opportunities to develop problem solving, computational thinking and logical reasoning skills.
At KS4 pupils in Year 11 and Year 12 will have the opportunity to continue ICT to GCSE level following the GCSE Digital Technology or OCN ICT pathways.

ICT Staff
Mrs G McLaughlin (Head of ICT Department)
Miss L Mitchell
Mr W McKessick (Technician)
Key Stage 3 - Overview
Year 8
Introduction to ICT @ Coleraine College
Word Processing
Internet Safety
Scratch Programming & BBC Micro: Bit
Presentation Software
Year 9
Introduction to Spreadsheets
Word Processing
Diving into Databases 1.0
Presentation Software
Game Development
Year 10
All about the ‘Net, Cybersecurity
Diving into Databases 2.0
HTML & Website Development
Coding Challenges
Computer Graphics
What can I do with a qualification in Digital Technology?

It’s a good time to be working in IT and computing. Research by e-skills UK shows
that the sector is one of the fastest-moving and most dynamic in the UK – currently employing 1 in 20 of us.
It’s estimated that over half a million new entrants will be needed to fill jobs in this sector over the next five years!
There are opportunities for IT and computing graduates across all industries, including retail, financial services, telecommunications, broadcast media, digital media, manufacturing, transport, tourism, the public sector and healthcare – with strong growth and demand in cyber security, mobile development, cloud computing and the management of big data.
At Coleraine College we offer two different ICT qualifications at GCSE Level.
The OCN NI Level 2 Certificate in Information Technology Applications is designed to provide pupils with the IT skills required to function successfully in the work and wider environment.
OCN ICT qualification is a practical based GCSE which allows pupils to produce a portfolio of evidence for each unit. Upon successful completion of this qualification pupils will be awarded the equivalent to a Grade B at GCSE.
Pupils will study a range of units including; Word Processing, Email Software, Social Media, Spreadsheet Software and Presentation Software.

GCSE Digital Technology (Multimedia)

We also offer a traditional GCSE pathway in Digital Technology from the CCEA exam board.
This qualification allows pupils to gain a range of Grades from A*- C. Pupils complete both theory and practical and gain a well-rounded knowledge and understanding of Digital Technology.
Pupils learn a wide range of topics from Cloud Computing to Cyber Security, Spreadsheets to HTML and Website Development along with Digital Development and Design Considerations and the importance of Testing.
Extra Curricular activities within the ICT Department
KS3 Coding Club & iDea Award: Duke of York
Within the Department we offer a range of different clubs / activities that pupils can participate in.
Code Club runs after school once a week in Room 3. Pupils will have the opportunity to develop coding, team working and problem solving skills using various pieces of equipment such as Sphero Robotics, LEGO and Microbits.
The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (iDEA) is an international program that helps develop digital, enterprise and employability skills. Pupils can complete during lunch time with the help and support of Digital Leaders and will gain a record of achievement.