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Music Department
Music education is essential in providing a rich, balanced curriculum.
It has been proven that studying music contributes to cognitive development by creating stronger connections between brain regions, more grey matter, improved brain structure and function, better memory and attention along with higher IQ (Schellenberg, 2004). At Coleraine College we engage every pupil in Music education which will help them to reach their full academic potential.

Keystage 3
Year 11 & 12 GCSE

Occupational Studies (Digital Music and Sound Production)
Digital Music
Learners will develop skills in how to use appropriate software to create, record, edit, arrange and mix audio. Learners will gain the confidence to create their own complete musical track. At the end of the unit, learners will be able to save their music track(s) in the appropriate formats to play on a CD, mobile phone, MP3 player, games console, or other digital audio devices. Health and safety, and environmental issues will also be considered.
Sound Production
Learners will work individually or in small teams to produce a music show of their own choice that can be played to an audience of friends, relatives, staff, or fellow learners in the school assembly hall, common room or canteen. Individually, the learners will keep a personal diary of their roles in the production. This will give them the opportunity to act as DJs, develop their personal presentational skills, and enhance their self-confidence, as well as providing an opportunity for showcasing their talents. Learners will be made aware of the environmental and health and safety issues involved in making a sound production. They will be encouraged to understand the health and safety issues regarding use of sound equipment.
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